
Amerity’s 2nd Anniversary Promotional Offer:
Get $25 Dollar Gift Card when you open an eligible Amerity Investment Account.
Offer ends Sep 31, 2020. Conditions apply
How to get started
1. Open an eligible Amerity Investment Account1 by Aug 31, 2020
2. Invest at least $10,000 CAD or equivalent amount US dollar into the account by Aug 31, 2020
1) Eligible accounts include Open Account, TFSA, RRSP, RRIF, LIRA, RESP.
2) Includes all kinds of classes and types mutual funds
3) Currency exchange rate is based on Bank of Canada exchanges rates, which are published each business day by 16:30 ET.
Terms and conditions
Amerity Wealth Management
2nd anniversary New Client Campaign-Terms & Conditions
Part A
“Eligible Investment Account” means any of the following accounts: OPEN ACCOUNT, RRSP, TFSA, RRIF, LIRA, RESP.
“Eligible Client” means a client who meets all the following criteria:
Is a resident of Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia of Canada, and by Aug 31st, 2020 is of the age of majority in the province in which they reside. Residence is determined by the jurisdiction (province) where a client has their primary tax filing obligation based on their regular place of residence.
Is a corporate registered in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia of Canada.
Does not have an existing investment account with us.
Never had an investment Account with Amerity; and
Has a valid deliverable email address associated to the client profile with us by Aug 31st, 2020 (Note: It is your sole responsibility to keep your email address current with Amerity).
“Promotional Offer” means the offer as defined in section 1.
“Promotional Period” means the period starting on July 15th , 2020 and ending at 4:00pm EST on Aug 31st, 2020.
“Qualifying Criteria” means the conditions set out in section 2 below.
“Terms” means these terms and conditions that govern this promotional offer.
“you: and “your” mean any eligible client.
“your advisor” means the mutual fund advisor registered with provincial security commission sponsored by Amerity Wealth Management Inc.
“we”, “us” “our” and “Amerity” mean Amerity Wealth Management Inc. or any of its Branches.
Part B
1. The Promotional Offer
Provided you fulfill the Qualifying Criteria in Section 2 and the conditions set out in Section 3 below, you may elect to receive the following: $25 Dollar Gift Card (“Reward”)
2. How to qualify for the promotional offer:
Be an eligible client
Open an eligible Amerity Investment Account by Aug 31, 2020
Invest at least $10,000 CAD or equivalent amount US dollar into the account by Aug 31, 2020
3. Conditions that apply to the promotional offer
The following conditions also apply to this promotional offer:
The promotional offer is available to eligible clients only.
Amerity’s employees and advisors are not eligible to participate in the promotional offer.
Only one reward per eligible client, no matter how many eligible investment accounts you may open and how much more mutual fund you purchase over the $10,000 CAD during the promotional period.
Only one reward per eligible client, even if the investment account is opened jointly, only the co-owner designated as the primary owner at the time of opening of the joint investment account will qualify for the promotional offer.
In order to receive the Reward, you must have a valid deliverable email address associated to your client profile with us by Aug 31st , 2020. It is your sole responsibility to keep your email address with us current.
Starting Sep 1st, 2020, we will send you the e-gift card to the email address you have provided to us.
If you believe you have qualified for the Promotional Offer but have not received the email described immediately above email address informing you of your qualification, you have until Sep 30th, 2020 to inform your advisors accordingly, so that we may check whether you have indeed qualified for the Promotional Offer. Any notice received after this date, will not be accepted and you will be deemed not to have qualified for this Promotional Offer.
4. Limitations that apply to the promotional offers
We reserve the right to cancel the Promotional Offer at any time for any reason at our complete discretion without notice.
In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the content of any document, brochure or promotional material advertising the Promotional Offer, these Terms shall prevail.
We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to suspend, disqualify, limit or revoke this Promotional Offer to any person or account holder we find or believe to be manipulating or otherwise abusing the process, fairness, integrity or operation of the Promotional Offer, including any person whose overall client relationship with us is in our opinion not in good standing.